The LaSells Stewart Center was opened as a performing arts and conference center on the Oregon State University (OSU) campus in April 1981 for use by OSU students, faculty and staff, and community members. The building was constructed with private funds. The OSU Foundation initiated the plan to build the facility and carried through with the construction. Upon completion, the Foundation deeded the building to OSU. The LaSells Stewart Center is administrated through OSU Conference Services under the auspices of the Vice President of Finance and Administration. 

User Group Categories:

  • Oregon State University (OSU) group: OSU department or recognized student organization. The OSU department or student organization bears complete responsibility for financial and liability for insurance related issues. Invoices are paid through an OSU departmental index.
  • Non-profit group: Federal, State, and other government agencies, public schools, and 501c3 organizations are considered non-profits. Non-profit groups are asked to provide proof of tax exempt status.
  • Private group: For-profit groups and/or individuals; groups not associated with above categories.


  • Rates are based on user group categories and full or half day rental.
  • Half-day rental is calculated as 5 hours or less (this includes 30 minutes for setup and 30 minutes for take down). 
  • Rental rates are based on the fiscal year in which the event occurs.
  • Rate Structure for facility rentals only:
Rate structure for facility rentals only
Type of Group Rate Structure Applied to Group
Private Groups Standard rate
Non Profit Group 25% discount based on standard rate
OSU Group 50% discount based on standard rate

Reservations, Deposits, Cancellations, and Billing:

  • Conferences and performances may be booked five years in advance.
  • A room may be held on “waitlist”.
    • When another client asks for a date that has already been requested, that client will also be put on a wait list. 
    • The client who provides payment or index first to LSC will receive the booking.
  • All reservations are considered contracted and secure only when a signed rental agreement and the required deposit are received by LSC.

Deposit and Billing:

  • Deposit
    • A non-refundable deposit of 50% of the estimated room rental and services is required at the time of the reservation. The balance of the charges for facility, staffing, and equipment use will be due upon receipt of the final invoice.
  • Invoicing
    • Payment is past due/default after 30 days past the final invoice date.  
    • If default occurs in the payment or performance terms, the agreement between the parties will be terminated and will be forwarded to OSU Business Office for collection purposes.

Reservation Changes and Cancellation:

  • Auditoriums or Entire Center:
    • Events canceled more than 12 months prior to the event date will be assessed an administrative fee.
    • Events canceled less than 12 months but more than 6 months prior to the event date will be assessed an administrative fee of half of the cost of the reservation.
    • Events canceled less than 6 months prior to the event date will be assessed an administrative fee equal to the cost of the full reservation.
  • Conference rooms:

    • Events canceled more than one month prior to the event date will be assessed an administrative fee of up to half of the room cost.
    • Events canceled less than one month before the event date will be assessed an administrative fee equal to the full room cost.
    • Changes may be made to a reservation within three (3) business days from time of initial reservation without penalty.  After that time, the normal change or an administrative fee shall apply.

Facility Usage Guidelines:   

  • Hours of operation:
    • The LaSells Stewart Center is available for events from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily. Access to the facilities before or after those times will be charged an additional hourly rate.
    • The building may be closed on holidays and on weekends when no events are scheduled.
    • Standard office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.
  • The official name of the facility is The LaSells Stewart Center. The full name must be used in any promotional materials.
  • The integrity of the facilities will be maintained at all times and demonstrate safe practices established by the State of Oregon, Oregon University System, and Oregon State University. Facility damages caused by the client may be billed to the event.
  • Staffing required for all events. 
  • OSU Administrative Policies and Procedures will be enforced and upheld for all activities, including but not limited to liability insurance, safe practices, disability access, alcohol registrations and all safety regulations as applicable.
  • Any event that includes alcohol, firearms, open flame, pyrotechnics, protests, or controversial subject matter should consult the complete version of the OSU Administrative Policies and Procedures Manuals (especially the General University Policies section).
  • LSC has the right to schedule multiple events in the facility.
  • Curricular classes, workshops, or seminars, for which academic credit is mandatory, tuition charged, and/or attendance required events may not be held at The LaSells Stewart Center.
  • Student group events must be registered with the Student Involvement office prior to booking a reservation.
    • A Memorial Union purchase order covering the estimated cost of the event plus a 15% contingency fee must be on file prior to the start of the event.
  • Media Services equipment may not be used in The LaSells Stewart Center, unless approved by LSC.


  • Only approved caterers who have a “Catering Use Agreement” on file with LSC may cater events. Other caterers may be considered on a case-by-case basis. A fee will be applied to the event for use of caterers not on the approved list.
  • Approved Caterer must pay 10% of net catering charges within 10 days of the close of each month.
  • Any exceptions must be pre-approved with the facility at least two (2) weeks prior to the event. A waiver of responsibility must be on file and facility and/or custodial fees may apply. It is the responsibility of the provider to adhere to OSU and Benton County Food Handler guidelines.

Austin Auditorium Use Requirements:

  • A certificate of insurance for non-OSU groups must be filed with LSC at least 30 days prior to the event for $2,000,000 (two million) and must be issued by an insurance company authorized to do business in the State of Oregon. The policy must contain a “hold harmless” clause and the State of Oregon, its officers, employees, and agents shall be named as additional insured in the policy.
  • LSC Staff will be required for the duration of all events held in Austin Auditorium.
  • LSC will determine all staffing requirements.
  • All fire and safety regulations as established by the Fire Marshal and OSU (If using pyrotechnics, weapons, or flames, see page “Fire, Safety, & Security” on page X) will be enforced.
  • Access to restricted areas and equipment operations are limited to authorized personnel.
  • An Electrician from OSU Facilities Services must be contracted through LSC to set-up and disconnect the three-phase disconnect power source in Austin Auditorium.
  • LSC requires 12-18 complimentary ticket at all ticketed events.
  • Rehearsals:
    • Four-hour rehearsal reservation for events may be booked as follows:
      • Rehearsal reservations may be scheduled at 50% of the regular full-day room rate. 
      • Rehearsal reservations made less than one month before the event date may be made at 25 % of the regular full-day room rate
      • Labor and equipment charges are not included.

The LaSells Stewart Center Galleries:

  • Exhibit selection for The LaSells Stewart Center Galleries is made at the discretion of Giustina Gallery Curator Suzanne Reed [email protected].
  • Art display walls may not be tampered with nor art removed from those walls designated as Gallery space.
  • Gallery floor space is subject to rental for other use. The art display walls must remain visible and accessible unless prior arrangements are made with Giustina Gallery Curator Suzanne Reed.
  • All sales of artwork displayed in the Gallery are made through LSC.

Applicable OSU Policies:

  • Alcohol Service at The LaSells Stewart Center  
    • ONLY Beer and wine service is allowed on a permit basis at The LaSells Stewart Center.
    •  OSU and OLCC Alcohol Registration forms must be submitted to the Office of Risk Management no later than three (3) weeks prior to the scheduled event.  Procedural questions should be addressed to the Office of Risk Management at (541) 737-7252.
    • Proof of an OLCC liquor license or day permit and a $1,000,000.00 (one million dollars) liquor liability insurance policy naming OSU as additional insured must be furnished to the Office of Risk Management at the time the application is submitted.
    • It is the responsibility of the licensed alcohol server to curtail service of alcoholic beverages when necessary. The facility staff may curtail service of alcoholic beverages to anyone on the premises at any time.
  • Vending and Selling
    • Merchandise, books, or other goods may not be sold without prior authorization.  The seller will pay a 20% commission on gross sales.
  • Copyrights
    • All royalties, licenses, and copyright fees due as a result of renter's activities in University facilities are the renter’s responsibility. OSU shall be held harmless for any claims made against OSU as a result of renter's failure to pay any such fee.
  • Posting and Advertisements
    • Posting is permitted only with authorization from LSC. Advertising and promotions must include information for individuals with disabilities and is the responsibility of renter to pay for contract services.
  • Radio and Television
    • Rights to negotiate and enter into agreements for the granting of radio and television rights in connection with the staging of any performance or event under the terms of this contract are the renter’s responsibility. Written consent must be obtained from LSC.
  • Fire Safety
    • Any user must alert LSC and Corvallis Fire Department of their intention to use any open-flame, pyrotechnics, or weapons.
      • Open-Flame: The Corvallis Fire Department discourages the use of any open-flame device in public assembly occupancy.  CFD encourages the use of battery-operated candles as a means of simulating candlelight. Information and permit forms are available at the City of Corvallis fire permit webpage.
      • Pyrotechnics:  Contact the Corvallis Fire Department, for the applicable permit form at 400 NW Harrison Blvd; Corvallis, OR 97330, Phone 541-766-6961 / Fax 541-766-6938
  • Weapons
    • Contact the Oregon State Police, University Office and OSU Security Services at 541-737-3010.
      • Observance of pertinent laws
    • All agents and employees connected with facility use shall abide by, conform to, and comply with all laws of the United States and the State of Oregon, all OSU rules, Benton County, Oregon ordinances, City of Corvallis, and the policies of OSU Conferences Services.
    • Additional information can be found in the OSU Administrative Policies and Procedures webpage.
  • Security
    • LSC shall arrange for all security services and charges.
  • Speech Activities
  • Smoking
    • The LaSells Stewart Center is non-smoking facility and is in compliance with the Oregon Indoor Clean Air Act, ORS 433.835-533.875. Oregon State University's smoking and tobacco use policy generally prohibits smoking and tobacco use on all university-owned or -controlled property.
  • Animals, Bicycles, Skates and Skateboards
    • Only service animals are permitted in The LaSells Stewart Center (guide dogs for the blind and companion dogs for the deaf).
    • Bicycles, skateboards, and skates are not permitted within the building and in the courtyard
  • Sexual Harassment
    • In accordance with federal and state laws, Oregon State University prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, marital status, disability, or veteran status. In addition, the University prohibits discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.
    • Any person who believes that he or she has been sexually harassed at the University may file either a formal or informal complaint in the Office of Affirmative Action & Equal Opportunity. Confidentiality will be maintained to the fullest extent.
  • Disruption of Operations
    • In the event The LaSells Stewart Center is destroyed or damaged by fire, riots, acts of God or war or any other similar cause, OSU Conference Services has the right to cancel all events.
  • Exceptions
    • Any exceptions to the above stated policies may be granted by the Director of OSU Conference Services and/or the Vice President for Finance and Administration.


  • All activities involving minors (under age 18) are required to register with the Office of Youth Safety & Compliance prior to their start date. Registration can be completed on-line at