LINC Classrooms:
Please note that University Events is coordinating LINC Classrooms. For all inquiries, please email [email protected] or call 541-737-4717.
General Purpose (GP) Classrooms:
(Excluding LINC)
Please note that fees may apply
Verify room availability at the Office of the Registrar.
Student Organizations and Clubs Please Note:
For reserving classrooms on campus as an organization or club, please go to For more information or assistance, please email [email protected].
Start the process:
You will need to fill out the Campus Classroom Use Request Form for GP-Classrooms. Please email completed form to [email protected].
The event is not an accredited class.
Monetary transactions (admission, sales, donations, etc.) may take place at the event.
The general public is invited ("open to the public" as opposed to "by invitation only").
Food and/or beverage is being provided at the event.
Alcohol is being served (requires 21 days advance notice).
The event involves a performance or other activity not usually associated with a classroom environment.
Reservations for a GP classroom may take up to 3 working days for Schedule Desk to confirm or deny availability during the school term after the 2nd week of the school term. Reservations will not be confirmed for the next term until after the 2nd week of the term.
Room Access requires a minimum of 48 hours advance notice to schedule room access after the reservation is confirmed.
Cancelation requires 48 hours advance notice to avoid administrative charges. Event’s coordinator is responsible for notifying Security Services, Media Services, and Schedule Desk of cancelation.
AV equipment requires 48 hours advance notice to schedule. Contact Media Services (541) 737-2121 for audio/visual needs.
Outside organizations
Outside organizations not affiliated with Oregon State University will need to get permission from the President of the University to use classroom spaces.
The Oregon State Board of Higher Education Administrative Code states: Use of Facilities by Outside Organizations. “In general, it shall be the policy of various institutions in the state system not to make available the buildings and other facilities of these institutions. Exceptions to this policy shall be approved by the Executive Vice President or President of the institution. In general, exceptions will be made only in the case of community, regional or state gatherings where no admission fee is charged.”